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Available Services

Bid writing

Writing successful bid applications is a learned skill and our bid writers each have a minimum of ten years of experience. Individually, they can each demonstrate high success rates, which is why we have selected them to work with our clients.

Bid scanning & matching

New funding calls are released continually. There are generic and specific ones, each related to different geographic areas. We keep abreast of these and if you want us to, can ensure that we alert you when a new source of funding meets your requirements.

Public and patient engagement

If you are bidding for funds to develop or enhance a solution that is public-facing, then you will need to ensure you co-design / co-produce your solution with them. Bidshaper can bring together and facilitate focus groups for this purpose. 


Grant clarification

Sometimes, funders respond to a grant application with lots more questions before they make a decision. Having created your submission, we can lead on answering those questions with you.

Bid review

Bid reviewers help to eliminate content gaps, ensure that the messaging is consistent in language and tone, and that the answers provided meet the Funder's questions; maximising your chances of success.

Find bid partners

Often, Funders require a bid to be made by a consortium, with each member bringing unique input to the overall submission. Bidshaper has access to a huge networks of other SMEs and academic institutions who we can introduce as potential bid partners.

Bid content library: creation

Many of the questions asked by Funders are similar in nature. It makes sense to create a content library containing the most up to date responses to these. Should a funding call require a fast response, the bid content library makes this easily achievable.

Grant project delivery

Need a researcher or a project manager for your funded project? Bidshaper can find and provide talented individuals who will be the best fit for the work to be done.

Bid management

Some bids can be complex processes, involving multiple partners and coordinating content from a variety of sources. In these situations, a bid manager is essential to ensure that the bid is fully completed by the deadline.

Bid panel coaching

For some larger bid amounts, Funders expect applicants to appear before a bid panel to answer questions about their submission. Bidshaper can help you to prepare for this (and bid pitch videos) with personal coaches who have previously been part of a bid panel. 

Bid content library: maintenance

Having created the bid content library, it is essential that it is kept up to date so that the bid submission prepared from it contains the most accurate responses. It also means that the Bidshaper-client relationship becomes an ongoing one, where we get to know your business in detail.

Funder reporting

Once you have won your grant funding with our support, you will be asked to provide regular progress and financial reports. Bidshaper can remove this administrative burden and do them for you.

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